Mending Withered Fl...
By ryuuichi_08
  • Fanfiction
  • bjyx
  • bl
  • bowen
  • chenqingling
  • haikuan
  • haoxuan
  • jili
  • jiyang
  • malepregnancy
  • mengziyi
  • theuntamed
  • wangyibo
  • xiaozhan
  • xuanlu
  • yizhan
  • yubin
  • zhoucheng


A flower needs water and nutrients to grow beautiful, but it also needs love and care. But when it's not given what it needs, it'll wither away. Some people whose brokenhearted are hard to pursue. They are not ready to grow back another flower, because their previous ones are left withered due to a broken heart. It takes time and patience to mend a withered flower of a broken-hearted person. Especially if you're the reason they become like that. Xiao Zhan was announced 1 month pregnant but instead of being happy, he was heartbroken because his first love and boyfriend, Yibo disappeared without telling him. Then after years passed, Yibo's back with a female fiancé as the CEO where Zhan's working. As Yibo finds out about Zhan's pregnancy and his children, will be able to win back Zhan's heart and mend Zhan's withered flower ? or the two will have to live their lives separately and never come together?

Prolog + Main Character Introductions

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Mending W...
by ryuuichi_08