Mafia Love, Just Lo...
By dancarter46
  • Romance
  • guns
  • italian
  • mafia
  • sexy
  • spicy


." Oh, Louís from the bar last week?" She sent, laughing at her joke. While looking through Dominic's closet she found a plastic crown, shoved into the back of the closet. She tossed it out to the shirtless man standing behind her. He chuckled catching the crown." Royalty complex?" She joked walking over to him " No, nothing like that." He laughed looking at it." My brother bought it as a gag gift. He went to some museum, and he saw a plastic version of King Louie's crown and bought it." Rossetta raised an eyebrow, looking for an explanation." My full. My name is Dominic Louís Rosamilia. He's making a jab at my middle name." She smiled and put the crown on." And I guess I can be a bit douchey like a king in certain aspects of my life." She wrapped her arms around his neck." Well, I like it, King Louie." Dominic tossed the crown, gripping her hips." I'm glad." Dominic chuckled as he remembered the same moment she was referring to."

Part 1

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Mafia Lov...
by dancarter46