Felicity's POV: I sit at the tea table in my lessons, bored and tired. Tired of this foolish lesson of which I don't wish to take, but must. Elizabeth sits on the other end and her sister Annabelle (banana belle) sits on the left side. Elizabeth seemed bored and sick of the lesson too. She is so fine looking in her blue calico dress and floral bonnet. Oh she's simply devine and when I look into her e- "FELICITY MERRIMAN" said my teacher. "wha- Oh!" I must have fallen into a deep day dream. "Uh yes Miss Manderly?" I say with a wobbly tone in my voice. "I asked you to poor the tea properly to Miss AnnaBele." Miss Manderly stated. "Oh yes of course" I got up to poor BananaBelle's tea. Right then Elizabeth smiled at me and gave a wink. a pretty little wink. I got distracted and dropped the tea all over BananaBelle's dress and it soaked through her petticoat. Elizabeth chuckled. "AAAGHHH", uh oh I was in trouble.
Chapter 1