Another Life | Naru...
By DilucsRetribution
  • Fanfiction
  • alternateuniverse
  • hoshigaki
  • naruto
  • ocstory
  • oneshot
  • shippuden


"Where the hell is Hoshigaki!?" Sakura exclaimed as her gaze darted across the entire battlefield, or how much of it she could see from where she was positioned. "I haven't seen her!" Hinata responded going as far as to use her byakugan to see more of the battlefield then Sakura could, the two had been positioned beside each other because of one of then being close range fighting and the other being both close and long range fighting, so the Shinobi Alliance believed they would work well together. Meanwhile, back near where one Ino Yamanaka was positioned stood a blue shark skinned female, who kept looking from the female Yamanaka to the rest of the battlefield, her hand inching towards the handle of Samehada that rested across her back only to let it fall back to her side as Ino snapped her attention to her "When I drop down, that will be your cue, okay Ayame?" Ino asked and the shark skinned female nods as a shark like grin forms on her face.

Another Life

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Another L...
by DilucsRetribution