Black Rose
By AADYA7579
  • Mystery / Thriller
  • blackandwhite
  • bloodthirsty
  • crying
  • dark
  • deadinside
  • enemies
  • friendship
  • hatelove
  • mysterious
  • pain
  • sadness
  • tears


How can a person be filled with life and be empty at the same time? Where does it all go? Does someone steal it or does it find its own way into a very dark and hopeless place? This is the tale, the tale of sadness, of coldness, of pain, of grief where all pleasure is slain. The pressure, but is that the beauty of fear or is it something else? Afraid to die, terrified to live, how will one subsist? Call it a paradox? Sociable but loner? Happy but depressed? Predictable but in her own unpredictability... Lightning in soul, thunder in heart and chaos in bones but with rain in eyes. She's gone. "But, WHY ME?..." they hear, it's said that the sobs can still be heard, can you feel the emotions that are still blurred? **** "We destroyed a girl's life" "Yeah, I know." "WTF, how can you be so calm about this, I am freaking out." "I SAVED HER." "NO, you saved yourself." You should never give someone so much grief or pain that it ruptures the heart bit by bit by bit leaving it no more, cold-hearted people aren't born, they are made, by the society, by the universe, by us.

(Ch-1)-Time switch *still me*

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Black Rose
by AADYA7579