A Forgotten Love; N...
By Chaotic_Potato22
  • Fanfiction
  • najau
  • nerdandjock
  • undertale
  • undertaleau


Everyone is talking about this new kid. I bet they're just another nerd. I was at my locker getting my stuff, then I heard the locker next to me open. It was the new kid. Wait a second... "(Y/n)?!" "Um.. Hi?" I gave them a big hug. I haven't seen them since middle school! "It's been so long! How've you been? I can't believe your back! We gotta catch up someti-" "Do I know you?..." What?... How.. How could the not remember me? "My name is (y/n)." They held out their hand to me, I shook it. "I'm... PJ.." "Nice to meet you PJ." They then repeated my name again and started to space out. They then snapped out of it. "Ugh, stupid amnesia..." Amnesia?... That's why they don't remember me.. The bell than rang. "Oh crap, uh, it was nice meeting you PJ. See ya!" They ran off after that. They lost all their memories, the time we spent together... I know it's not their fault but.. it hurt.. It hurts like hell...

Chapter 1; Flashbacks

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A Forgott...
by Chaotic_Potato22