New Life (scp reade...
By AbelQ2704
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Y/N was Captured when they were around the age of 19 years old. Y/N never had an average life even before they got captured by the scp foundation. Before they got captured they always had to wear coloured lenses because their eyes are the real colour of their eyes and their skull pupils. Their father died when they were 5 years old and their mother never truly loved them and told them to never mention their father unless necessary. And they know why their father had starange powers and never told their mother after Y/N's power started to manefest at the age of 1 years old. After their mother found out she was shocked and outraged all she wanted was a normal family and she couldn't even have. that afterwards their mother never talked to Y/N unless necessary and never spend time with them. Thankfully Y/N was already trained by their father on how to use and control their powers before he died and Y/N managed to train their powers by themselves after their father died. disclaimer: the SCP foundation and the SCPs do not belong to me and if you want to read more about them separately go to the SCP foundation wiki.

(Y/N backstory)for the people who didn't read the description

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New Life...
by AbelQ2704