Chaotic Company ||...
By TrainRushh
  • Fanfiction
  • billiebustup
  • chaos
  • chaoticcompany
  • cookierun
  • crk
  • deltarune
  • dimentio
  • fanfiction
  • jestertrio
  • jevil
  • kirby
  • marx
  • multifandom
  • platonic
  • ralsei
  • rouxlskaard
  • sorbetshark
  • spamton
  • superpapermario
  • tasquemanager
  • whyamidoingthis
  • whyareyoureadingthis
  • wingsoffire


[[Story is paused. I'm not sure when I will get back to writing it. I apologize.]] So my brain said "So what if these characters got trapped in a house together?" And now this exists- it's made purely for the sake of chaos.. And because I was bored. Very bored. So welcome to the Web Dimension! Basically, Dimentio finds a way out of the Underwhere that could possibly lead to him recreating the worlds as he wanted, but he has to live a "normal" life in a household of chaotic randos for a while first to accomplish that. Which isn't as simple as one would hope, in this strange, unpredictable world. It's not particularly well written, and the story's a mess, but who cares? It's chaos, and that's the whole point. It isn't supposed to be well written, it's supposed to be fun. Characters mentioned are not mine, just from a variety of franchises/fandoms I like, unless stated otherwise! Contains swearing, mentions of blood, violence, possibly sensitive subjects further in. Just worth noting. Enjoy!<3 Expect inconsistent chapter lengths and grammar mistakes, along with delayed updates.

A quick introduction!

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Chaotic C...
by TrainRushh