Since the death of a loved one, Thea, now sixteen years old, has been consumed with the thirst for revenge against the sorceress Neidra, who has taken almost everything from her. She has grown stronger and will stop at nothing to reach her goal, but she will need the aid of those she loves and the culture of the people she is a part of if she hopes to have a fighting chance against Neidra and her formidable armies. Over the past year, Thea has been vigorously training under Loki, practicing her fighting and her magic and becoming so strong, Loki can scarcely beat her in a sword fight. She has been drawn to Asgard more and more, feeling its allure in her veins. But when Neidra's trickery sends her and Loki fleeing from Asgard, she knows it's time to fight back. Neidra's army is strong, and if Thea wants to counteract it, she and Loki will need an army of their own. Thankfully, there is one to be found, if Thea and her friends are willing to cross Asgard's high seas to procure one. Along the way, the Avengers and their companions become tied more tightly, as Thea and Jack's romance turns to passionate love, as Kyle and Emmaline find peace in their tender family, as Loki opens his heart to an old flame, as Videl hunts down both Caomh and the quest to save Ardhigiza from ruin, and as families come together. In the end though, the fate of not just Asgard, but Earth and Ardhigiza as well, will be decided in an epic final battle that will test everything Thea has prepared for in her warrior's heart and completely turn her from an alienated young girl to a powerful sorceress and a princess with a heart of iron and fire. * "It is not in the stars to hold our destiny, but in ourselves." -Shakespeare, "Julius Caesar