The Camelot Cycle
By MontanaJane9
  • Fantasy
  • arthurianlegends
  • arthurpendragon
  • fantasy-romance
  • fantasyadventure
  • fantasyfiction
  • gayfiction
  • lgbtfiction
  • merlin
  • nonbinary


King Arthur reigned, everyone had a good time and then he died. Tale as old as time, right? Well, I thought so too. Until a letter ended up finding it's way to me asking me to travel to the Kingdom of Luximis, a country I had never heard of. It turns out I am the long lost heir to the country, not only that but I've been the heir hundreds of times over as many genders, names and faces but the first name I held? Apparently, Arthur Pendragon, the Warrior King, Son of the Bear. The cycle is doomed to play out over and over, until something changes. Until I am not killed by my offspring. That shouldn't be an issue now, I was brought up in the outside world. I know the mistakes Arthur, or I, made all those centuries ago. I can bring my Kingdom out of the shadows and back into the world this time, right? All I have to do is avoid sleeping with this cycles Morgan Le Fay. Should be easy enough, only for one slight problem. Emrys doesn't know who Morgan is this time around, I really don't want to marry Gwen and I am pretty sure I am in love with Emry's, this cycles Merlin. Am I doomed to fail before I even become Ruler? Or is this the kind of shake-up this story needs for it's happily ever after?

The Story Begins, Again

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The Camel...
by MontanaJane9