This coming-of-age story revolves around Jimmy Stickman, a regular high-school student known for his high GPA and drive to get into a relationship with one of his fellow female students. After unwillingly curbstomping a bully in a fist-fight in the school lunchroom, he soon befriends a small alien creature named Squirps and learns that he is a member of a legendary bloodline which possesses the power to stop destructive forces from causing worldly chaos. He is told to seek-out an ancient sword belonging to the Stickman family that has been sealed-away for millennia in order to succeed in doing so. With this new knowledge of his true self, he sets-off to find the sword and stop a dark being from murdering the president of the United States and overtaking the government. DISCLAIMER- This is a complete work of fiction that does NOT reflect the true U.S. government or its current state and/or well-being. All characters in this story are completely fictional and made-up; no real individuals are described or referenced within.