A Jeff the Killer L...
By IzzyAtkin
  • Fanfiction
  • fiction
  • horror
  • jeffthekiller
  • life
  • romance


Cold, tired and alone. I've been walking for about 2 hours now and it's getting dark, I'm used to it because it's not like this hasn't happened before. My parents don't care for me, why should they? I'm just a 'stupid 17 year old' as they put it, no one gives a damn about a girl who doesn't do well at school, or doesn't have a lot of friends compared to what their dream child does. I'm pathetic, I've come so close to taking my life but I feel something very different to what the average person would; I believe in the supernatural and already know things that many people would take weeks to find out. I think about things in great depth but don't know why. I'm just,... different.

Chapter 1 - A Normal Day

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A Jeff th...
by IzzyAtkin