Title: Two Can pla...
By Lucinda_love39
  • Teen Fiction
  • can
  • epilogue
  • game
  • play
  • sequel
  • story
  • two


Justin and Shantelle, was no longer together, she was now his Ex girlfriend and he was back in the arms of the (She Devil) her worst enemy on the planet earth Jasmine Villegas they were an item again. While Shantelle had been just back to being at a normal single sixteen year old again and being pregnant with Justin's child and him denying the whole thing which was evil of him to do, and now people were calling Shantelle a whore, cheater and a liar. She wasn't happy with the fact that she was carrying his child and he kept denying it that it wasn't his. Arianna and Ryan tried everything to get Shantelle's mind off of things but nothing worked it was not until Shantelle Received an invitation to Usher's birthday party. And there she met someone the perfect guy and apparently someone's boyfriend too who had just returned from Fliming to find his girlfriend's face was on every magazine cover, but with a different guy, and he still loved her and was willing to put up a fight to get back what was rightfully his... So Shantelle decided to play along with him too... Causes TWO CAN PLAY THAT GAME!!" so they pretend to be dating....... But what will happen? Will they fall in love while fake dating or will their plan work out?... Read more.. This Summary is edited now, thanks.

Title: Two Can play that Game!!" (A JB love story sequel)

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Title: Tw...
by Lucinda_love39