The Air Beneath Me
By ScarlettWolf94
  • Romance
  • acrobatics
  • aerialsilk
  • drama
  • romance
  • tattoo
  • trapeze


Emersyn Hale had been training in gymnastics and acrobatics her entire life. She loved the rush of it, the applause, the attention. The adrenaline that came from waiting to hit the net was unlike anything she'd ever experienced. The fall was her favorite part. Until the day the net didn't save her and she kept falling. A year after her fall she is back at work, as a coach, when another freak accident in the studio threatened the life of a young girl. She slipped from the aerial silk, unable to catch herself. Emersyn, without thinking, lunged beneath her. Taking the brunt of her weight. That act brought her the attention of the young girl's brother, Liam. After his parents death, Liam was forced into the caretaker role for his sixteen year old sister, Hayden. Acrobatics class was a daily commitment he hated but tolerated for his sister's happiness. Most days he didn't watch the training but today, he had been captivated by a new face. A new coach. He watched the way she moved, the way she controlled her body. He jerked his head away when he heard a snap. Screams filled the air, his eyes found his sister high in the aerial. She was falling. His feet moved as quickly as they could, trying to make it to Hayden before she hit the ground. There was a thud and a few gasps. On the ground beneath his sister was the new coach.

The Fall

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The Air B...
by ScarlettWolf94