Sequel of the book "The Frost"... Can anyone tell how can one news be good and bad at the same time? let me give an example. Voyager 2, NASA's deep space probe received a mysterious signal that can answer humankind's most sought question- "Are we alone in the universe?" a signal that can prove the existence of intelligent life outside of our galaxy. Good news, right? But the bad news is, that signal is carrying a code that will destroy the interlinked computer system of the whole world within the next four days. And those who are behind this conspiracy are no aliens, rather the two-footed animals of this planet- humans. To save this humanity from this sinister crisis, Jin and Arya are going to deep dive into an unknown world of hacking, cybercrime, and cyber-terrorism that can also backtrack to the past life of Arya. To add fuel to fire, a past enemy of Jin comes into the scene. He'd do anything to stop Jin without caring what consequences it can bring along. A group of assassins is also hunting Jin down for the bounty fixed on his head. who paid them? Wanna go on an uncertain rollercoaster ride where both Arya and Jin will face hell within the next 90 hours? Let's go! Cover by: Knishka_1401