All About Us (Hawke...
By capmxrvel
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • archery
  • avengers
  • clint
  • clintbarton
  • hawkeye
  • love
  • winterbird


Agent Astrid Ferrari, also called as Winterbird. A skilled agent of SHIELD in the level 6. She has telekinesis, telepathy, and could copy someone exactly. Face, voice, anything that is of the person she copies and she could also copy their power just by touch. What people found unusual about her was that her favorite weapon, was bows and arrows. She met the agent who saved her life but they were just together for a day. They met again when she was recruited by Fury to join the Avengers in fighting Loki. As the days passed, Clint and Astrid seemingly got close; closer than before they were. There's a problem though, Loki is determined to get back at him at all costs. But, Clint would protect Astrid from Loki even if it would cost his own life.

Chapter 1

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All About...
by capmxrvel