By MadreyaPranayani
  • Non-Fiction
  • alvar
  • ancient-india
  • andal
  • bhu-devi
  • devotion
  • historical
  • india
  • kothai
  • krishna
  • lakshmi
  • love
  • ranganathaswamy
  • srirangam
  • vishnu


So easily they left me my lustre, my bangles, thought, sleep I am destroyed. Compassionate clouds I sing of Govinda's virtues lord of Venkatam, where cool waterfalls leap. How long can this alone guard my life? A fatigued sigh left the blushing pink lips of Thirumagal. She gazed tearfully towards the sky. Oh, how she hungers to see a glimpse of his transcendental visage! She never belonged here. He was her only sanctuary. She was solely only his! Her heart bleeds at every moment spent away from her lord. Her eyes were longing to see his glorious lotus feet. She yearns to become the flute that eternally rests upon his divine lips, singing the tune of pure love for aeons to come. Pearl-like tears dripped down her lotus eyes. "Swami", her lips quivered. "How shall I find serenity without you? I yearn for you day and night. My soul voices only your name. Please fulfil this selfish request of mine and do come and settle within my eyes." A soothing breeze blew drying her pearly tears away. Kothai chuckled. It is as if her lord was placating her. " Chaliya Mohan", she playfully pouted and rebuked him. "Andal", the breeze lovingly whispered. "My beloved, wait for me. I shall come for you soon." Kothai perplexed turned her gaze towards the dark clouds. "Swami?"


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by MadreyaPranayani