"I wish I could be here to teach you what that means, to teach you what being a child of Uzushiogakure means... I wish I could teach you our history, our customs, because I know that Konoha won't teach you, I just know," Kushina couldn't help her bitter laugh, or the pulse of anger in her chest that came with it. "All they'll care about is your loyalty to their village, not a dead one that they failed to protect.You will be the last of our clan, the last of the Uzumaki... the last to hold the flame of Uzushio inside you. Don't lose that spark... no matter what happens, please don't lose that flame... because you'll be the last..." There's distant aching in his chest for the taste of salt and the crashing of waves that call him 'home.' In other words; Naruto is his mother's son, and his loyalty is to the spirits of his ancestors and the gales that call him home.