Blue rose
By sleepycale
  • Fanfiction
  • alberucrossman
  • calehenituse
  • choihan
  • originalcale
  • tboah
  • tcf
  • trashofthecountsfamily


Humans are selfish creatures. They don't realize that their greed for their own happiness could hurt the other party deeply. Cale's group got an offer from the god. "Do you want to see how much Cale Henituse loves and cares about you?" Their stoic young master's emotions could not be easily read. They had insecurities if the man really loved them back as they did. The offer was tempting. "What do you want?" "We need Cale Henituse's help to save another doomed world from hunters." "You're putting his life on risk?" "It is up to him to decide. If he says he would go, then only we will proceed." "Okay." They believed Cale would reject the offer. The group was scammed. The illusion that god showed Cale. Indeed they got to see how much Cale loved them. However, at what cost? A reaction of tcf Cale's group who are trying to bring their home back while watching his actions from their world. Could they bring Cale back? or will they lose him forever?


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Blue rose
by sleepycale