Me, My Hair✂ and...
By BossLadyNia
  • Teen Fiction
  • alpha
  • bwwm
  • highschool
  • lycan
  • multicultural
  • superhero
  • wattys2015
  • werewolf


Hair defines us. The secret to life lies within the strands extending from my scalp. My hair is me and I am my hair. My hair is my attitude. Hair can make or break the perfect outfit. Hair can ruin a good night. Hell, hair can ruin a good picture! Your hair can make or break any situation. It can make you look better in an interview to land a job. It can make you more attractive to your crush to land you a boyfriend. Your hair is your power! Oh, hair. Those luxurious strands of awesomeness. My motto: as long as my hair is on Fleek nothing else matters." Not even make-up or the latest fashion. Nothing! Because they mean nothing if you don't have the right hair style! People don't understand my infatuation with my hair. But, they love me anyway. All they need to understand is: I am my hair. My hair is me. Cameron held her breath after she finished her poem, her hands sweaty with nervousness. Someone raised their. It was James Del Russo! What would he say...

Ch. 1: Words that Must Not Be Named!

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Me, My Ha...
by BossLadyNia