A Wolf And Apes Unf...
By DavidBornAgain
  • Fanfiction
  • bittersweet
  • characterdevelopment
  • crossover
  • deity
  • dragonball
  • fanfiction
  • friendship
  • grieving
  • happiness
  • holo
  • holothewisewolf
  • saiyan
  • sliceoflife
  • spiceandwolf
  • together


In a Multiverse fraught with constant war and unending battles, one almighty being took it upon himself to bring peace and conciliation to every known world, defending and fighting for the good of all mankind, regardless of his own horrid past experiences with the mortal race. Y(N)'s actions were well known among the Gods and Goddesses of every known Universe; even though many have never met him or have yet learned his true name or position. Each deity served a role, however major or minor, each had a task that would ultimately pave the way towards a greater future for all known mortals. The Former Omni-King Y(N) had the greatest burden of them all, yet no matter how powerful he was, even an all mighty being as himself has his limits. Which is exactly why he decided to take a vacation, not a long one per say, but one where he did not have to worry about the common people or the fear of any sort of war disrupting his stay. Finding himself in a peaceful world, enveloped with humans and minor deities, Y(N) took on the role of a quiet and unknown traveler. Armed with a small wagon and his brave horse, he set off into the mysterious world to enjoy his time of the surrounding European nation. Though this "tranquil" vacation of his would soon be disrupted when a sudden encounter with the Goddess of Harvest: A Wolf-Deity by the name of Holo soon sparks a momentous journey that would soon test the Saiyan Gods patience and composure to its absolute limit. This is the story of two quite different deities, complete opposites of one another, who meet by chance and along the way, learn more about each other and the ever changing world, each one helping one another to grow in new and unforgettable ways. Spice And Wolf does not belong to me, be sure to support the original creators. None of the images placed in this fanfic belong to me, each belong to their respective creators.

A Not-So Fruitful Meeting

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A Wolf An...
by DavidBornAgain