Leo Mongillo - When...
By leomongillolaw
  • General Fiction
  • child
  • divorce-lawyer
  • family-law
  • family-lawyer
  • leo
  • mongillo
  • support


If a court passes an order for family support, it becomes legally enforceable. Support payment is also enforceable if there is a written agreement. The person receiving the support can approach the court in case of non-compliance. The court will take measures to ensure the payment of the support amount. The issue of non-payment can get emotionally and physically exhausting. A family attorney can do the paperwork and approach the court on behalf of his client. Child support and child parenting are two different issues. The paying spouse cannot stop paying support even if he cannot meet his child. The governments use many laws to enforce the payment of family support. According to Leo Mongillo the following measures ensure that the person pays dues on time:

Leo Mongillo - When a Person Refuses to Pay Spouse or Child Support?

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Leo Mongi...
by leomongillolaw