The Trainee and the...
By Ahnihill
  • Fanfiction
  • drama
  • exitement
  • hyunjin
  • kpop
  • straykids


"I love you." He said , "I love you too," I said...He didn't look at me the whole dinner, he kept glancing at Lexi, and looking her up and down then smirking. I guess they hooked up when I basically rejected him. I guess she makes him happy... The food was served and we were all eating but of course, Lexi wanted to be that chick."You know Y/n, Hyunjin likes me right?" Lex said while fixing her lipstick. I didn't respond. "Hmf, you wanna ignore me." She said under her breath She grabbed the back of my head and bashed my head into a wall. The girls yelled at her while some helped the bleeding stop that was coming from my head. I was losing consciousness quickly. Will Y/n and Hyunjin have a happy ending or will I end in distater?!

Chapter 1 (I'm my crushes trainee)

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The Train...
by Ahnihill