By VirgoSun9thHouse
  • General Fiction
  • adventure
  • altruism
  • billionaire
  • club
  • fiction
  • greed
  • humanitarian
  • humanity
  • journey
  • love
  • lovestory
  • money
  • pandemic
  • paralleluniverse
  • respect
  • romance
  • romanticsuspense
  • secretrelationship
  • secretsrevealed
  • unity
  • virus
  • worldtravel


There was no way to know my office romance would turn into a world-wide adventure to help save humanity with billions of dollars in giveaways to ordinary people during the Early Virus Years. My name is Crystal Jones. I used to make money as a digital ad exec. A lot of money. Through my secret love affair, I was hired by a secret club of billionaires just as The Virus began spreading. It was my job to *give away* billions of dollars Americans who deserved it. To altruistic people. It worked so well, the Unity Campaign went global. We were American Ambassadors of Altruistic Capitalism. It was when people started dropping into spontaneous comas that I finally realized: humanity cannot survive without unity. Money giveaways are simply goodwill tools. Now I'm on a remote island in the Philippines with some people from my Unity team - including two billionaires. I want to tell you the back story of the Unity Campaign. Not all billionaires are bad, and some stories don't have tidy endings -- but they can still give us hope.

1. The Ultimate Boss

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by VirgoSun9thHouse