Loving Him (FTM) (W...
By Megabucks
  • Romance
  • drama
  • ftm
  • lgbt
  • love
  • pansexual
  • teen
  • teenfiction
  • transgender
  • transman
  • wattys2015


Want the straight-up truth? I was a stalker. Not in a creepy, needs to be locked up and have the key thrown away sort of way. Just in a minor, harmless as a newborn kitten way. Ever since I admitted that I indeed did like girls "in that way" I focused on her. However, if I was honest with myself, I'd been focused on that particular girl since she came to my rescue when we were eight-year-olds. Seventeen year old Kelsey Plumb sported the biggest crush on schoolmate Harriet Diamond and eventually makes her move. However, Harriet is reluctant to get involved as she isn't what or whom Kelsey believes her to be. What will occur when stubborn Kelsey finally learns the truth? Will they remain just schoolmates, become friends or possibly something more?

Part One

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Loving Hi...
by Megabucks