Moments That Turned...
By MalenahBC
  • Romance
  • badboy
  • bestfriends
  • college
  • comingofage
  • complicatedrelationships
  • goodgirl
  • highschool
  • love
  • romance
  • triangle


Selene lived a pretty uncomplicated life. She excelled in school with ease. She had her close group of friends whom she loved but she was also loved by everyone at school. She was hard to hate, she was unproblematic, friendly, and a kind soul. Things were simple in her small town. She had her plans of the future and only one goal to get out of that small town. She wanted to explore, travel, and know more of the world and it's people. No one was to get in the way of that goal, so she chose to never get into a relationship. She was aware of the way she loved people and knew if she was to get into a relationship it had the potential to ruin her plans to leave. Junior year of high school someone she knew her entire life and a good family friend Dalton came crashing in and ruined the simplicity she lived in. Her love life went from simple to a complex rollercoaster in a year all because of him and his best friend Alec. 6 years of moments, hardships, complicated relationships and feelings. All that is left are the memories. Selene remembers when things were simple but simple meant without them. They were worth it all to her. The endless tears, screams, fighting, loss of friendship, and the lose of her once unproblematic life, they were worth it all.

an ending is only the begining

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Moments T...
by MalenahBC