The Contradiction {...
By YahTheDon
  • Fanfiction
  • aboogie
  • beynika
  • blacklove
  • chrisbrown
  • drugs
  • nicki
  • nickiminaj
  • oppisitesattract
  • policeofficer
  • rihanna
  • teyanataylor
  • urban


Onika is an officer, specifically against any kind of drug on the street. She was known to take down anybody that had either sold a drug or bought one. It didn't matter who was in the right or who was in the wrong, she was against drugs, period. Beyoncé is just stepping foot onto the New York streets to set up her operation. All she wanted to do was set up shop, make her money, go unnoticed, and move on to her next affair. With this nosey officer in her business, that seemed impossible. The more Onika saw this woman that she knew but couldn't prove was pushing something through the streets of New York, the more she found herself interested. Every conversation pushed her further away from the information she needed to shut Beyoncé's operation down. Slowly but surely, Onika is taking a liking to this smooth-talking, car-whipping drug dealer. Can Onika fight her contradictory lover and finish out her assignment or is Beyoncé's pull just too strong? | short story |

The Contradiction.

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The Contr...
by YahTheDon