Just Friends
By EireADandy
  • Teen Fiction
  • crush
  • drama
  • dublin
  • firstlove
  • frendzone
  • friends
  • fun
  • heartache
  • ireland
  • irish
  • lifechanging
  • love
  • relationships
  • romance
  • teen


Colm walked into Maria's life when she was a teenager. He was just another young guy that hung around her dad looking for a father figure and helped out when the work was there. She was 14 and he was 18. He was always hanging around, her dad had helped him out when he got into some trouble and he just stuck around. They argued like brother and sister most of the time but there was some nice moments too. Maria confided in him when her first boyfriend treated her badly at 16 and he gave her advice when she needed it. They loved each other but there was never anything romantic between them... That all changed when Maria moved away to college for a year. After spending Christmas together and going through some drama they stopped talking. Then Maria came home, she was 18 years old and a completely different person. She had grown up. Colm avoided her like the plague and it hurt, she wanted their closeness back....Colm on the other hand...well he wanted a very different kind of closeness and it took every fibre of his being to fight it. Please join Maria and Colm on their new journey to discover each other and this new element to their relationship.

Chapter 1

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Just Frie...
by EireADandy