Mask (Ticci Toby x...
By Bonesinthewoods
  • Fanfiction
  • bendrowned
  • creepypasta
  • eyelessjack
  • janethekiller
  • jeffthekiller
  • maskyandhoodie
  • ninathekiller
  • sallywilliams
  • slenderman
  • slenderverse
  • ticcijack
  • ticcitoby
  • tobyrogers


Toby has been trying to befriend everyone in the mansion for the longest time. Over the years friend groups have emerged. Toby has played a part in creating more than a few of them. He likes to make sure that people feel cared for at the mansion. That was Slenders goal anyway, create a home for the outcasts. Toby among them. So when Jack came along it became a problem. He didn't want to be friends. He didn't want to be cared about. He wanted to be left alone. Toby didn't understand why, but that didn't mean he was going to give up. He would befriend the gloomy bastard if it was the last thing he ever did. Jack never wanted any of this. He wanted a normal life, but what could he do with the cards he was dealt? He is shut off from everyone, for his own safety and theirs. He is dangerous. He can't be trusted. Just like everyone else on this god-forsaken planet. Toby was someone who had managed to get in, not break down his walls but make a door in them. He hated it. He didn't want this. He didn't want to care about the annoying fucker, but he did. And what could he do about it? Nothing. A whole lot of nothing. Jason was quick to realize this and try to use it against him. So out of spite, when the opportunity arose, Jack said fuck it and got closer to Toby. Was this just a ploy to get back at Jason for being an asshole? Or was there something more to this feeling?


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Mask (Tic...
by Bonesinthewoods