The 2022 Humorous N...
By hawkins_haunted_ivy
  • Humor
  • abunchofshit
  • awardceremony
  • awards
  • awesomeness
  • cheese
  • confusing
  • dolphins
  • friends
  • gays
  • humor
  • humorousnonsense
  • kindafunny
  • music
  • random
  • refrigerators
  • stupid
  • swearing
  • whatthefuck


Ladies and gentlemen, and gays of course, welcome to the first ever Humorous Nonsense awards ceremony! Your host is me, Millie02468, and click "read" to enter the madness and chaos and confusion that lies behind this door! Enter if you dare, for your mind might become as twisted and crazy as the seven combined minds that hide behind this door. *kicks the door a few times* You know what they say: great minds think alike, so you can only imagine how great this book is with seven extraordinary minds. But you know, they also say that if someone dares you to do something, you probably shouldn't do it. That obviously doesn't mean people don't listen to dares, so let's see if you're one of those people who don't listen. *evil laughter* :D

Arriving to the Ceremony

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The 2022...
by hawkins_haunted_ivy