"Well, that wa...
By AshOriginals_80
  • Romance
  • alex
  • boyxboy
  • charli
  • inquisitormaster
  • jaxx
  • lgbtq
  • light
  • luca
  • lévi
  • romance
  • sora
  • soraxx
  • unexpected


As usual, Sora and Jaxx flirt with each other, pretending they're dating when they're recording. But in real life they're bestfriends, or so they thought. "Well, that was unexpected." They all said in sinc. What happened? Did they have an huge argument? Are they a couple? Did they secretly date? Did their friendship get better or worse? Did they leave each other? Did they perhaps marry each other? "AHH, THIS IS SO EMBARRESING JAXX!" I yelled out loud. "WHAT DID YOU EXPECT SORA?!!" Jaxx yelled back. "AHHH!!" Me and Jaxx was fake sobbing and screaming out of embarresment. I wonder what happened? If you do too, I would love you to read this story. And I hope you'll like it as much as I do. "Should we help those guys?" Alex asked the other squad members. "Nahh, let's let them be." Charli giggled. Then they all laughed at Sora's and Jaxx's yelling and screams of emberresment.

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by AshOriginals_80