The Adventures of t...
By Inspokenwords
  • Humor
  • anondorf
  • nonsense
  • nonsensical


My name is Finnley, pronounced Jelly...actually just call me Jelly. It's mostly because of Peanut. I like Peanut. Peanut plus Jelly equals wonders between the sheets...I mean bread. I'm just kidding. I've been hanging out too much with Duby. She loves to make...remarks. Then there's Boss. You don't want to know her last name. Then again it isn't as bad as Onedirect'Quiesha's last name...its Neilson. Lastly there's Bobby'Loresia McSharkla Jack...but we just call her Bobby Jack. Together we make the Engineering and Tech Class Heroes...of course we don't really save anything. Well we do sometimes but that's when we aren't lazy. Well we usually are a bit lazy. It's mostly me though. I feel like my procrastination rubs off on others. Procrastination powers go! Well I think this is the part when I shut up. Well goodbye then. (This story was created by my table in Engineering and Tech class. Any resemblances or similarities to people or things in real life are not meant to be stolen by me or used wrongly in anyway. Practically, this is what happens when there's a substitute. Enjoy the story or hate it. P.S. This story was really only posted so one person could read it...she knows who she is...Duby aka Anondorf P.P.S. Please ignore all grammatical or spelling errors, they were meant to be there purposely. P.P.P.S. I'm posting this story a year after we wrote this chapter in class.)

Chapter 1 - The Day We All Met

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The Adven...
by Inspokenwords