TW: THERE WILL BE MAJOR SPOILERS, SO DON'T READ IF YOU HAVEN'T BEEN CAUGHT UP ON OWL HOUSE This is based on the newest episodes in The Owl House. Hunter and Luz enter Emperor Belos's mind and discover secrets that even Belos kept to himself. We find many things, some of those things include Emperor Belos's true identity, which does happen to be Fillip. We discover that as soon as Belos could, he started controlling people and stealing their Palismen. We also discover that Hunter is, not only a Grimwalker, but he's also not the first. There were many other "Hunters" before him. And as soon as they made a mistake, they were killed. We also find out that the reason Hunter stuck around the longest was because he looked the most like, "Him". We don't really know who, "Him" is yet, but with the information we have, we can obviously assume that he is long gone and Belos has attachment issues. Now, this is just a mix of some things that have already happened, and things that I think should or might happen.