The Azkenean Deamon
By MariahBenedict
  • Fantasy
  • -romance
  • bl
  • bxb
  • deamons
  • dragon
  • fantasy
  • fantasy-romance
  • fightthesystem
  • gay
  • hatetolove
  • luca
  • romance


a world of the future, where dragons creeped into existence to help us selfish humans, and just as quickly as they came, they vanished back into being nothing much more than just myths. Now, with famine and frost killing away the lowest levels of Azkena and a war hungry royal crown pushing his citizens as test subjects to take over the rest of the lands beyond us... small and curious Luca is thrown out of his usual routine to travel and serve his royal crown's every need... even if they ask of him to the unthinkable. will luca do the dutiful and serve his king and people no matter what... or will he take the road never taken and stand up for his beliefs against the Azkenean royal crown standing beside the unexpected deamon. travel through out the lands of Corene, Arasinda and Halmia with luca as he ventures to find the truth of Azkenean past, crowns present, his homes future and lastly.... his Dragons.


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The Azken...
by MariahBenedict