Rematch - a country...
By aGuyThatIs
  • Adventure
  • 2036-2046
  • alternatefuture
  • alternateww3
  • countryhumans
  • countryhumansstories
  • countryhumansstory
  • monarchy
  • poland
  • rematch
  • serious
  • ww3
  • wwiii


Year 2034. Europe has changed much since the end of the 20s. Lithuania suddenly decides to drastically change his policies after elections, the EU struggles to keep himself in one piece, and certain person isn't very satisfied with what his father has done in Ukraine. In this dangerous time, America falls into loop of civil unrest as his political parties polarize more, and none if the groups seems satisfied with elections, no matter how many times he agrees to redo the voting. In the middle of all that, one country, the Third Polish Republic dies, leaving her son to take care of their people. He wouldn't be of much importance if not his believes, dreams and plans. Soon new alliances are forged and Europe is dragged to war once again... WARNING! CREATOR OF THIS CAN EASY GET POLITICAL! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! 2nd place out of 29 candidates in #rematch - 6 VII 2023

Prologue: the begining of changes

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by aGuyThatIs