star wars clone war...
By caidens-Bain
  • Fantasy
  • sstarwars


"deathskull" an x1 elite commando droid captain in the clone wars that was the only droid who have gained human emotions and self awareness that most droids dont have, deathskull was made on geonosis his programming was experimental as he was the first x1 elite commando droid to enter service however his programming became that of a human brain, his mind began to become self aware of its own self and he would become a deadly foe agiants the republic, deathskull has had a interesting personality he would be a hard commando droid to others but in secret he was very sympathetic to those who have suffered under the republic and the republic who subjugated the the outer rim, deathskull had encountered jedi in his career he had seen the skill and the more edvanced human motions that he had studied and looked at, when he killed his first jedi he had taken its lightsaber as a secondary weapon for when he would battle more jedi, when he eventually infiltrated the jedi order in secret he uploaded his mind into the system gathering much more information on jedi techniques and jedi training and jedi forms and being the only x1 elite commando droid it made him more human and it made him have the need to begin self preservation by upgrading his own body and programming making his own body blaster proof and lightsaber slide proof meaning hes a hardened commando who's mind is that of a human and the body of a "superior" droid.


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star wars...
by caidens-Bain