My Guy Bestfriend (...
By danniluvsbooks92
  • Romance
  • completed
  • diante24
  • drama
  • jelousy
  • love


Is there someone in your life you can tell anything to without being judged? Someone that has stuck with you through good and bad times? A real friend ! ---------------------- "I don't know what to do my girl always tripping thinking we got something going on." "I like you and it sucks, because we both in a relationship," Dontae groaned rubbing his head in frustration. "Tell me about it, my boyfriend look at me sideways anytime I mention your name, if he wasn't so busy out there doing wrong maybe he wouldn't think I'm stepping out on him," Tiffany said rolling her eyes. ______________________________________ Tiffany and Dontae have been friends for over a year and have mutually grown feelings for one another, causing conflict in their individual relationships. Will they end up together, or let their friendship go to make thing right in their love life?

Chapter Two

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My Guy Be...
by danniluvsbooks92