Broken Promises
By shaquille-_-oatmeal
  • Fanfiction
  • apocalypse
  • fanfic
  • fanfiction
  • rickgrimes
  • survivalofthefittest
  • thewalkingdead
  • twd
  • twdfanfic
  • twdfanfiction
  • walker
  • walkers
  • zombieapocalypse
  • zombies


This is a walking dead fanfiction, wooooohoooo!!!!!! _______________________ Daniela Martínez. A simple name, but this name has some significance, maybe not in your life but in the lives of people she has met. She was in the functioning world before it went to shit. She had friends, and she had family. Now she is trying to survive so she could thrive and have a family later. Though the thoughts going through her head are far from envisioning what things could be, but what things are, and how to survive these things. Though this world isn't easy to live in, or easy to thrive in, she finds a way to make the best of it. Some people might call that overly optimistic, but it is what you do to continue to fight for what you want to make of the world you were given. Though she does try to push through, she has her group supporting her, like she is there to support them. The one thing that she never promises, not anymore is, "I will get through this" or "you will get through this" because you don't know that, not anymore. The promises that people have made end up getting broken, whether from their choice or not. Broken promises are the things that make it hard to continue on. Just like EMT's they never promise that you will be okay, because something can unexpectedly happen, and that promise they made will stick with them. Forever.


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Broken Pr...
by shaquille-_-oatmeal