Identity, soft phil...
By JackMeidick
  • Humor
  • art
  • fiction
  • humor
  • inane
  • philosophy


Pittman, a mediocre and intellectual dormant student reads and attends the play of a famous popular fiction writer's first attempt at serious art. Wilson absorbs the praise like her nose does snow-white powder. Everyone marks the both events as nothing more than validation of Wilson as a true writer and success. But Pittman breaks it the story down seeing in as a tragic comment on the intellectual integrity of ever student. As Pittman notes what person can find a transgender reading of the Bible, and second what the hell does that even mean. In the end it is an attempt to question whether those once rational bastions like universities are safe or harboring a madness or mass hysteria that seems to Pittman as weird as being locked into a permanent LSD trip. Maybe it has always been there but come on transgendered Joseph it makes no sense.

A review about stupidity embedded in action:

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by JackMeidick