Eren Yeager, The main protagonist of an Anime called "Attack on Titan," has an undescribable and confusing feeling for his so called captain, or as they say, 'Heichou' also known as Levi Ackerman whom is known for being 'Humanity's Strongest Soldier,' even though he is already distant from him because of the current happenings. This undescribable feeling of his, made him do such a thing he did not expect. Though his Love is only for Mikasa as his minds says, his heart feels something else, something much more special for his heichou. On the other hand, Levi Ackerman, the tritagonist of the show, is currently and secretly devastated because of everything and all of the events that has happened, mostly because he misses Eren whom is now distant from not only him but to all of his friends. He doesn't know why though, he has mixed feelings of hate, anger, annoyance, sadness, this boy. But wait, Love?.... Levi Ackerman, Humanity's Strongest Soldier, is in love Enemy?.....Yes? No? He doesn't know.....Every time they have a meeting about Eren and their plans on taking him down even if it goes down to killing Eren.....Hurts him.....Now that we've seen a preview of both their sides, Shall we start the story now? An explanation about this AU is at the very beginning of this story.....Now, we shall proceed.