Toradora! X M!Reader
By InconsistentUpdater
  • Fanfiction
  • aisaka
  • ami
  • kawashima
  • kitamura
  • kushieda
  • minori
  • ryuuji
  • taiga
  • takasu
  • toradora
  • yusaku


You grew up in the same town as Yusaku Kitamura and Ami Kawashima, those two being your best friends throughout elementary school. Your dad was a delinquent and abandoned you and your mother when you were in Middle School, this left your mother to raise you by herself. Your mom, to keep up appearances, had you lie to everyone, telling everyone that your dad was dead instead of him abandoning you. To make sure no one could contradict your lies, you moved away from your hometown, a fresh start. You didn't like lying about it but you did it anyway for your mother. Because of the constant lying you had to do, you started being filled with anger and started to act up at home while pretending to be the good son at school. This especially showed after your mother married another person who you didn't like. As a way to get out some anger, you joined the baseball team at your school. The last year of middle school was spent with you trying to convince your mom to let you go to a school far away from where she was living so that you could just get away from her. Surprisingly, she agreed and got you an apartment fairly close to the school. The school also happened to be in your hometown, so, bonus points. Highschool came along and you stopped acting like a good boy and started showing your true colors. Among the students at your school, you're in the top 3 of most feared. His competition includes Ryuuji Takasu who you become friends with thanks to Yusaku introducing the two of you. Your other competition is Taiga Aisaka AKA The Palm Top Tiger. She's a small girl infamous for her short fuse. You've seen her in the apartment building and around school but you never met here. However, your paths are destined to cross. Toradora! characters owned by the creators of Toradora!

Tiger and Dragon

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by InconsistentUpdater