Hero (A Markiplier...
By karenc22
  • Fanfiction
  • action
  • awesome
  • danger
  • fanfic
  • gamer
  • hero
  • love
  • mark
  • markiplier
  • romance
  • slender
  • story
  • youtube
  • youtuber


One day, Amy was walking down the streets of LA when her life would change forever. She's rescued by a mysterious stranger by the name of Mark Fishbach, who happens to live at the end of her street, even though they've never met before. Little does she know that Mark is a famous YouTuber with a very kind heart, who has happened to have had a crush on her since he saw her when he moved in a little over a year ago! When Amy becomes a part of Mark's life as his partner, she realized just how fun being a YouTuber's girlfriend can be, but at the same time, realizes that she's entered a darkening world that not even Mark was aware was a reality! Warning: lots of fluff, action, and some sexual content! Cliffhangers will occur.

Chapter 1

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Hero (A M...
by karenc22