Find It! The Wishes...
By PrecureWriter
  • Adventure
  • action
  • fanfiction
  • magicalgirl
  • precure
  • prettycure
  • thriller


"Twas the night before Christmas and not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse; the stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in hopes of that St. Nick soon would be there--" Lisa heard these words a hundred times during Christmas: the celebration of gifts, jolly old man, family, and the birth of Jesus. However things are not the same, over a month has passed since the deaths of her friends and the aversion of the world ending. Pieces of everything remain, with the winter holidays right around the corner leaving a sour taste in Lisa's mouth. She's not the only one. With Emiyo and Kameko, she continues to spend the holidays helping those who are less unfortunate, keeping the promise they made to their friends and enemies. Except this time a new calamity comes forth, one with an ancient bottle, a genie, winter, and a past that has its roots deep in one of their own. Once again, the trio transform and entrust themselves with keeping the world from falling apart. And with that they learn what it truly means to be human. Start: 12/24/21 End: 5/21/22

Prologue: S T A R T

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Find It...
by PrecureWriter