Kaiketsu of Zorro...
By Reanroosh
  • Adventure
  • 19thcentury
  • adventure
  • kaiketsuofzorro
  • lovetriangle
  • romance
  • xreader
  • zorro


You never expected this to happen. One moment, you were performing on the streets of Spain and the next, you were signing a contract that will ruin your future. Your parents died because of the Spanish army and your sisters boyfriend was killed by a credit company. It was just you and your sister Sella. Falling in debt to the credit company of her boyfriend, you had no choice but to return his huge debt of 100 gold coins. You and your sister opened a flower shop in hopes of returning the debt but failing. The day you were suppose to be beaten to death for your debt, a man showed up, rescuing you two from the debt collectors. That happened the second time too, all until you were kidnapped and taken away to the credit company as a hostage. That's where you figured out that Sella's boyfriend wasn't dead and started working for the credit company. In his last attempts to bond the family back together, the mysterious man told Lamon to take your sister Sella on a ship to England and find their true and rightful inheritance, while you stayed in California, caring for your sister's shop until she gets back. Everything seemed to come back to it's places, all until you remembered about your contract and he appeared.......

Chapter 1

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by Reanroosh