Power Ranger Siblin...
By little-green70
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  • powerrangers
  • powerrangersninjasteel


What if Levi and Brody had a little sister named Kitty that was three, almost four, years younger than Brody. Her life was a happy one, but all that changed when Galvanax attacked her home. Her dad disappeared, her brother Brody was taken by Galvanax, and Levi was nowhere to be found (by her at least), leaving her alone with her dad's trophy that had the Ninja Steel in it (she knew that the Ninja Steel was in their), along with a note that said for her to take the trophy to Summercove Highschool. Before she left to take the trophy to the Highschool, she dug up the box that her Dad had set up for her and her brothers to find and put a picture of the three of them along with their dad who was holding the trophy (and the note) in the box in hopes that if one of her brothers came back to find the trophy they would know where to find it, and then buried the box. After burying the box she then walks over and grabs the trophy and heads to the school to give them the trophy to put in the trophy case. But on her way back home one day she ends up meeting a puppy (that is half german shepard) that (She named her Ember) ends up becoming her very best friend on her journey to find her brothers, become the Black Ninja Steel Power Ranger, all while being a fifteen-year-old Highschool girl.

Return of the Prism

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Power Ran...
by little-green70