The Life Chaser
By EliseB-HPhilClark
  • Adventure
  • alby
  • earlydays
  • fanfiction
  • gally
  • gallyfanfiction
  • gallythemazerunner
  • grievers
  • hatetolove
  • iknewyoubefore
  • minho
  • newt
  • prequel
  • romance
  • runner
  • slowbrewingstory
  • themazerunnerbook1
  • themazerunnermovie


Teresa wasn't the only girl to grace the Glade. Two years before Thomas was pulled from the cage, a girl named Sandy was presented to the boys of The Maze. Sandy wasn't your average girl. She was smart, strong, talented and above all, fast. Before he was the Keeper of the Gate, Gally was once a runner. Minho's second in command, if you will. And once Sandy was selected to become a runner, Gally was her trainer. Gally hated her. She was cocky, snide, always goofing off, never listening, always taking unnecessary risks. As for Sandy, she felt the same. He was arrogant, ignorant, always thinking so highly of himself, always following closely to the rules. And because she was the only girl in the Glade, it always felt like he was trying set the other against her. Always assuming, using the facts he thinks are true but never asking. One day while running their rounds together, they bicker. And their bickering turns into a full-blown fight. As the sun sets and the gate closes, they are trapped in the Maze overnight. After what seems like a night of terror transforms into a close bond. Slowly a friendship is formed between them. They run their rounds in peace now. Gally and Sandy take extra watches, man the cook fires, or garden together of their designated off days. As the days pass and their bond becomes stronger, something close to romance forms. But when disaster strikes, a malfunction in the gate, does this bond set them up for a bigger fall?

Author's Note

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The Life...
by EliseB-HPhilClark