Born to be badass
By bookfreak_xoxo
  • Teen Fiction
  • badass
  • badboy
  • comebacks
  • deep
  • fiesty
  • fun
  • pg13
  • sarcasm
  • swears
  • teen
  • teenfiction


Meet Hanna Monte.She radiates confidence in everything she does, whether it's ordering a drink,buying a set of wheels,or dealing with boys.You know how in the movies they pin labels on certain students like The nerd,the jock.Well,Hanna is labeled as the badass at her boarding school.She always carves her own path,she chooses where she wants to go,when she wants to go,it's all her decision.As Hana says, badass style is rapidly recognizable by what she wears,what she does and who she hangs out with. Now meet,Cameron hill.The new,oh so bad boy In town.Not only is Cameron a bad boy but a player.He's filthy rich too.His first day of saint Marie's boarding school,he became the sex god,the bad boy,the badass,the player and the rich boy in just a short period of time.What happens when you put the cocky bad boy with the sarcastic,comeback giving badass?You get a unforgettable roller coaster ride with some twist and turns and an ultra-cool motherfucking story. (A MUST READ)

death on wheels my ass

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Born to b...
by bookfreak_xoxo