Ben 10 Radiant War...
By Misaka_Omnitrix
  • Fanfiction
  • ben10
  • bentennyson
  • omnitrix
  • radiantwar


A singer in the fresh dawn of youth. The fans are roaring as she takes the stage at Sato City's Christmas Festival. Grinning widely she yells into the din. "Hello Everyone! It's great to see all of you here! I'm so glad you could make it to the last location of my first ever Tour in Japan! it's been such a journey ya know!? Well though, before I begin, I'd like to announce a dedication to the person whose inspired me ever since I was a kid. Th-this might be awkward, truth be told, I don't think he even knew I existed till recently! But I've known about him ever since he first started out on his Summer Vacation years ago!.. I watched him grow every Saturday Morning!!" The crowd looks confused but still enthralled. Who could this person be? How could they not know about the most famous Idol in Japan? Were they in the crowd? Why only every Saturday Morning as if it were some cartoon show or anime? "I dedicate this first song to you! Come up onto the stage, the greatest super hero in the whole wide world.. well my whole wide world at least! BEN 10!!" Pavarti the Celebrity exclaims as a big spotlight shines into the audience, falling upon the stunned boy who was in the middle of sipping an extra large soda, sitting next to his two friends, a Samurai and a Time Cop, both of whom look equally stunned. "Sssss.." Ben continues to sip his coke ever so slowly, his eyes round as tennis balls as the crowd continues to stare at him. "uhhh..." Ben says, holding up a nervous hand. "Hi..?" "GODDAMNIT!" roars the Time Cop. "WHY IS IT ALWAYS YOU!!!?"

Prologue: The Tennyson Residence's Chaotic Morning

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Ben 10 Ra...
by Misaka_Omnitrix