Dead Days (rework)
By it_bedonavan180
  • Horror
  • apocalypse
  • bite
  • bitten
  • endtimes
  • flesh
  • horror
  • horrorfan
  • outbreak
  • residentevil
  • thewalkingdead
  • virus
  • zombieapocalypse
  • zombies


"I pull back the slide of my Colt .45, chambering a round. My heart pounds, sending adrenaline through my veins. The crack in the door grows in length, sending splinters falling to the ground. Screws from the hinges follow them within seconds. The sheer weight on the other side of the door pushes, causing the bulge in the center of the door further inward. The door gives. I let out a war cry and unsheathe my tactical knife and hold in under my pistol, crossing my hands at the wrists. Blood begins to spill to the floor. So much so, that I can't tell if its mine anymore." Jack Stanley, an ex-army ranger and now officer for the NYPD, who is currently battling the loss of his wife finds himself in the midst of the end of the world. Will he have the strength to fight through and survive or will the undead drag him down to hell?


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Dead Days...
by it_bedonavan180