By Corgipon
  • Fantasy
  • corgipon
  • dark
  • darkau
  • darkfantasy
  • fantasy
  • horror
  • japanesefolklore
  • nihonversepocketville
  • onmyou
  • pg13
  • pocketville
  • puppyinmypocket
  • royal
  • royalty
  • supernatural
  • thriller
  • yamatoverse
  • yokai


The quest of Kate and Magic may be over, but Ami's adventure was just beginning... A year after the long ordeal of a cleaved heartstone and being in the clutches of a greedy man from Kate's hometown, Princess Ami is getting ready to become queen. However, the nightmares which torment her and her sister persist, and vengeful ancestral spirits may be behind it. Eventually a prophecy tells Ami that she and her friends must go on another quest: to explore the Omori Palace for answers as everyone in Onmyou goes through their preparations for Ami's coronation to become the new queen. Along their quest, they will have to face familiar faces corrupted by a miasmic rift caused by both a goddess and a past priestess's omen and history of a broken royal family the house of Omori once was. Content Warning: This story is rated PG-13 due to themes of horror, mild-to-moderate violence, mild language, and characters in situations of distress, which may not be suitable for young or highly sensitive readers. Reader discretion is advised.

Prologue: Coldhearted

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by Corgipon